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Google My Business reviews are a goldmine for your business!

A survey of 8000+ US online shoppers showed that nearly all of them – 98% – consulted reviews before purchasing.

A glowing review – or ten – can often be the final confirmation for consumers to decide to buy products or services online.

Google loves businesses with positive reviews, so the more five star ratings you have, the more likely you will float to the top of search results for relevant keywords.

Potential customers are more likely to visit businesses with positive reviews, so you’ll naturally see more traffic to your website.

Expand ‘real estate’ for your business on the search results.

A great review can even boost your conversion rates. This is because people are more likely to buy from businesses they trust – and what builds trust better than a positive review!

Google reviews appear under your Business Profile in Google Maps and Search. In the current digital age, they are a powerful marketing tool and an effective way to increase your visibility and ROI.

Getting good reviews should be part of your local SEO strategy.

Every minute, people are searching online for things they need. 

As well as ranking high in organic search and appearing in paid advertising slots, you want to make sure your business is appearing in what is called “local SEO” – which is organic or ‘free’ listings outside of the classic organic search results.

Directory listings (such as Yellow pages), organic social media posts, and Google Business listings are all part of local SEO.

Propel your brand into a much wider customer base.

Each positive Google review highlighting your products or outstanding service shows searchers that your customers love you. Reviewers can share their opinion, show photos and videos, and add ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. The more positive reviews you receive and the higher your overall rating, the higher you’ll rank in search results.

How do you find your quick Google business review link?

There are two ways to find your Google Business review link:

Method 1: Through Google Search

  1. Go to Google Search and search for your business name.
  2. Click on your business listing.
  3. Under the “Reviews” section, click the “Get more reviews” button.
  4. Your Google Business review link will be displayed.

Method 2: Through Google Maps

  1. Open the Google Maps app.
  2. Tap on your profile picture.
  3. Tap “Your Business Profiles”.
  4. Select the business that you want to find the review link for.
  5. Tap “Customers.”
  6. Tap “Reviews”.
  7. Tap “Get more reviews”.
  8. Your Google Business review link will be displayed.

Share this quick and easy link via email, social media channels, text messages, or your site. You can also include it in your marketing materials, such as business cards and flyers.

Clear, concise instructions will help encourage more reviews – thus increasing your ranking in search engines.

Keep it real!

An important point is to make sure your reviews are genuine, and not bought – whether directly paid for with money, or in exchange with rewards. Paid reviews are against Google’s policy and illegal in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) rules.

If you pay for good ratings, Google will remove those fraudulent reviews and your business will take a hit in search results. Not only that, you could incur serious business fines from the FTC. Finally, paying for reviews will certainly damage the reputation of your business – prospective customers won’t trust a company that needs to pay for praise.

Responding to critical reviews

Negative reviews can be a challenge for businesses, especially small businesses. But by following some best practices for Google Reviews in NZ, you can effectively manage these reviews and even use them to your advantage.

  • First, it’s important to respond promptly. Check your Google Reviews page regularly, and aim to respond to all reviews left within 24 hours, especially if they’re critical. This shows new customers that you’re engaged and that you care about their feedback.
  • When you address a negative review, be polite and professional. Avoid getting defensive or argumentative. Instead, focus on apologizing for the customer’s experience and offering to resolve the issue.
  • If you can, write specifically about how you will resolve the issue. This shows the customer that you’re taking their feedback seriously and that you’re committed to making things right.
  • Finally, thank the reviewer for their feedback. Even if it’s negative, it can still be valuable feedback that could help you to identify areas where you can improve your business.

Following these best practices can help you to turn a critical Google Review into an opportunity to improve your business and show potential clients that you’re committed to providing a good experience.

Here is an example of a paragraph response to a critical Google review:

Hi [Name],

I’m so sorry to hear about your recent experience at [Business Name]. I take your feedback very seriously, and I’m committed to making things right.

I’ve reviewed the issue and taken steps to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. I’ve also spoken to the team involved, and we’re all committed to providing a better experience for our customers.

I would love to offer you a [discount/gift certificate/other incentive] as a gesture of goodwill. Please contact me at [email address/phone number] so that I can make arrangements.

Thank you again for your review feedback. It helps me to make [Business Name] a better place for everyone.

[Your Name]

By following these tips, you can effectively manage critical Google reviews and even use them to your advantage.

What’s the difference between Google Customer Reviews and Google My Business Reviews?

There are two types of Google online reviews: Google My Business Reviews and Google Customer Reviews. Though they seem similar, the roles they serve and way they collect reviews from customers are different.

My Business Reviews refer to reviews that appear on Google’s business listing service. Any company that either has a business address or travels out to customers can have a My Business profile. Customers can write an online review for your business at any time. These reviews will appear in your Google Business profile in Google Maps and Search for other users to see.

Meanwhile, Google Customer Reviews require a Google Merchant account and can only be used in integration with e-commerce sites. After buying products from a store with Google Customer Reviews enabled, customers will directly receive a request to leave reviews for those items. The overall rating will appear on Google Shopping ads. Google Customer Reviews including ratings for both sellers and individual items.

Google Customer Reviews is a completely separate system to My Business reviews. If your business has an in-person store and an e-commerce site, you can use both review systems. Either way, a good review and rating is helpful in boosting your credibility with more people and will improve your ranking in search engine results pages.

Get your business noticed online!

It’s easy and free to set up, and one of the best ways to get your business found on Google Maps and in search results. With a Google My Business page, you can list your business information, share photos, receive reviews, and answer questions so potential customers can learn more about you and find their way to your door.

Set up your listing using Google’s free business directory tool here:

By engaging positively with your customers and optimising your GMB listing to your industry with correct NAP details and clear call-to-actions, you can enjoy the difference it makes for your business!

How Search Republic can help

Want to get the most out of your Google Business listing? 

We have the expertise and experience to help you create a complete and optimised GMB listing that will help lead to more visibility for your business, more traffic to your website, and subsequently more leads. For more helpful tips about search engine optimization, explore our post about the importance of of Featured Snippets and Google Image extensions.

Have questions about tricky review responses or getting people to see your GMB listings in the first place? Get in touch with the Search Republic team today.